Re: alternate stain for b & b

From:Nancy E Weber

Hi Jerry, Here's a Brown and Hopps that I've used that works well.

Fixative:  10% neutral buffered formalin.
Technique:  Cut paraffin sections at 3 to 5 microns.
Quality Control:  Tissue containing both gram + and gram --  organisms.  (
We had one of our research microbiologists inoculate muscle tissue with both
organisms for us )

Staining Procedure:

1.  Deparaffinize and hydrate sections to distilled water.
2.  Flood slides with crystal violet for 2 min.
3.  Rinse in tap water.
4.  Flood slides with Gram's iodine for 5 min.
5.  Rinse in tap water.
6.  Blot one slide at a time with filter paper and decolorize quickly in
7.  Rinse in tap water.
8. .Flood slides with working basic fuchsin for 5 min.
9.  Rinse in tap water.
10. Differentiate with Gallego's solution for 5 min.
11. Rinse in tap water and blot slides, but do not blot to dryness
12. Dip slides in acetone quickly three times.
13. Dip slides in picric acid-acetone quickly three times.
14. Dip slides in Acetone quickly three times.
15.  Dip slides in acetone-xylene quickly five times and clear with three
changes of xylene.
16.  Mount with xylene-based resin.
On steps 12 -15, I would set up a row of coplin jars with each solution and
take one slide at a time and go down the assembly line to the final xylene

   Gram positive bacteria................................Blue
   Gram negative


1% Crystal Violet
     Crystal Violet.......................................1.0 gram
     Distilled Water..................................100.0 ml

Gram's Iodine
     Iodine...................................................1.5 gm
     Potassium Iodide...................................3.0 gm
     distilled water.....................................450.0 ml

Basic Fuchsin (stock)
      Basic Fuchsin......................................0.25 gm
      Distilled water....................................100.0 ml

Basic Fuchsin  (working)
       Basic Fuchsin (Stock)...........................2.0 ml
       Distilled water.....................................50.0 ml

Gallego's Solution
       Distilled water.....................................450.0 ml
       37% formaldehyde..................................9.0 ml
       Glacial Acetic Acid..................................4.5 ml

Picric Acid-Acetone Solution
       Acetone................................................500.0 ml
       Picric Acid...............................................0.25 gm

Acetone-Xylene Solution  1:2
       Acetone...................................................1 part
       Xylene......................................................2 part

Carson, F.L.  1990 " Histotechnology A Self Instructional Text"  (pp. 194 -
Nancy Weber
Research Associate
Veterinary Clinical Sciences
Ohio State University
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, January 02, 2002 11:59 AM
Subject: alternate stain for b & b

> Fellow histonetters,
> I am looking for a stain to replace our current B and B to avoid the use
> ether.  If you could help me out it would be appreciated.
> Thank You,
> Jerry Duncan HT(ASCP)

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