RE: mayers heamatoxlyn

From:"Harvey, Jennifer"


I use a Mayer's hematoxylin and really like it. I have made it in one day if
I was in a hurry. All you need to do is stir it till it is completely
dissolved at each step. I didn't see any staining differences if I made it
in one day or three. 

Good luck

Jennifer Harvey
University of Rochester Medical Center
Department of Orthopaedics
601 Elmwood Ave Box 626
Rochester,  NY 14642

Mayer's Acid Hemalum Modified by Lillie 

Hematoxylin C.I. 75290 (Sigma
H-3136)---------------------------------------2.5 gm
350 ml 
Aluminum Ammonium Sulfate (Sigma A-2140)---------------------------------25
Sodium Iodate (Sigma
S-4007)--------------------------------------------------0.25 gm
Glycerol (VWR
IB15762)---------------------------------------------------------150 ml
Glacial Acetic
Acid-------------------------------------------------------------------10 ml

Solution Preparation:

Dissolve 2.5 gm Hematoxylin by holding overnight in 350 ml distilled water.
Next day add 25 gm Aluminum Ammonium Sulfate and 0.25 gm Sodium Iodate and
let sit overnight. Day 3 add 150 ml Glycerol and 10 ml Glacial Acetic Acid.
After filtering this can be used immediately. Use for 1-2 weeks. Stock
stable 4-6 weeks.

> ----------
> Sent: 	Friday, January 4, 2002 6:34 PM
> To:
> Subject: 	mayers heamatoxlyn
> I have tried to order chloral hydrate to make mayers but have found out
> it is a conrtrolled chemical and not available in Canada any longer. 
> Can anyone tell me how they make mayers without chloral hydrate, or is
> that possible?
> We have been using it in our cytology dept.
> Thanks for any suggestions
> Louise Yarrow
> Foothills hospital
> Calgary, Alberta

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