sticky slides that aren't sticky...

From:Aidan Schurr <>

Hi all,

Recently we have been having terrible terrible problems with tissues falling off the slides during HIER.  We (like most people) have had intermittant problems in the past with specific cases, but this is now a generalised problem.  We coat our own silanised slides, and have tried making up new batches of these.  We have also tried purchasing commercial polysine slides which were as bad or worse.  We curretly use MW HIER - is a pressure cooker any better for keeping tissues on slides?  Any other suggestions?  I'm rapidly running out of hair....

Many thanks,
Aidan, New Zealand.

a i d a n   c   s c h u r r
 section head, histology
  department of pathology
hutt valley health
high street, lower hutt
new zealand
telephone ++64 4 5709173
facsimile ++64 4 5709214

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