Re: cloverslipping media for fluorescence (Flores, Teresa)

Our EM Lab has used Gel/Mount (Permanent Aqueous Mounting Medium Cat No M01
Size: 20Ml, by Biomedia for the past 10 years or more. After coverslipping
the renal or skin or mucosa case, slides are kept in the lower part of a
4oc refrigerator until viewed and after. Positve cases are kept
indefinitely to be able to teach. Positives are photographed. Storing
case/slides in the refrigerator, covering the slides from overhead
fluorescent light (cloth) should help from fading. I need to add that no
fixatives are stored in this refrigerator, only film and immuno cases and
aloquated anti-sera.
Good luck, Teresa
 >Does anyone recommend a good mounting media for coverslipping fluorescent
>antibodies?  Does anyone have anything to keep them from fading?
>Jennifer Harvey
>University of Rochester


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