Re: Wenger-Angritt Helicobacter stain

From:Rena Fail <>

<html> <font size=3>Bob,<br> <br>    I have done Giemsa, Giemenez,Diff-Quik, Warthin-Starry, And Steiner for h.pylori. Recently I tried a Cresyl Echt Violet. The bugs are more easily seen in a well stained silver. Both the W-S  and steiner are short microwave methods. The problem with the silvers ,an occasional precip.<br> <br> Rena Fail<br>  <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> At 09:44 PM 1/24/01 -0500, you wrote:<br> <blockquote type=cite class=cite cite>Last October Sue Barnes ( posted:  >>I am looking for the <br> Wenger-Angritt stain for Helicobacter pylori. This stain was mentioned in an <br> AFIP report and my pathologist would like to start doing it.<<<br> <br> Apparently a recent pathology book - perhaps an AFIP fascicle on GI pathology <br> - refers to this stain, apparently in use at the AFIP, and one of my locum <br> tenens clients asked for it. The laboratory contacted Dr. Helen E. Remotti at <br> AFIP yesterday, and she faxed a procedure. This next paragraph is mostly <br> copied from that procedure:<br> <br> >>This modification of Manuel's reticulum stain demonstrates some <br> argyrophilic microorganisms. It is a synthesis, with modifications, of <br> several silver impregnation methods, notably Gomori's original method and <br> Manuel's reticulum procedure as found in the AFIP manual. The stain is done <br> on paraffin sections of formalin fixed tissues. It uses the <br> permanganate-metabisulfite sequence to clear the background, followed by <br> uranium nitrate sensitization and modified Fontana's ammoniacal silver for <br> impregnation. The wash following the silver impregnation contains the <br> reducing agent (formalin) in order to minimize the loss of silver. Sections <br> are checked microscopically after the reduction step. No counterstain is <br> used. The treatments with gold chloride and sodium thiosulfate are omitted to <br> optimize bacterial staining.<<<br> <br> Besides the 1968 AFIP manual, the only reference is to the AFIP Letter, Vol <br> 155, No 1, page 8, February 1997.<br> <br> Obviously this isn't a real-world procedure - it's time consuming, few <br> clinical labs can differentiate sections under a microscope, and the uranyl <br> nitrate would have the Herrn Inspektors at your door in short order. - Once <br> again I ask - has this, or any silver impregnation procedure, been shown to <br> be more sensitive in finding Helicobacter pylori?<br> <br> Bob Richmond<br> Samurai Pathologist<br> Knoxville TN</font></blockquote><br> </html>
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