CD markers

From:Jan Shivers <>

Since I'm always looking to increase my IHC antibody repertoire, while
incurring the least amount of expense when trying out human antibodies on
non-primate mammalian species.... I'll turn to you folks....

Does anyone have (positive staining) experience with any of the human CD
markers on dog, cat, horse, pig, and cow tissue (formalin-fixed,
paraffin-embedded only)?  In the past, I haven't had much success in getting
many of the CD markers to cross-react with non-human tissue (obviously, the
problem is one of epitope recognition).

I already use polyclonal CD3 and CD117 (c-kit), and monoclonal CD20 (BLA.36)
and CD79a (JCB117).  I'd really love to find an LCA that works, as well as
other more specific lymphoid markers.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Jan Shivers
Univ. of Minnesota Veterinary Diag Lab
St. Paul, MN

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