RE: Protocol for H & E stain

From:Joan Yonchek <>

Dear Dina,

You should call the company and ask for a copy of the Customer Guideline
Manual which contains protocols for using their products.  (800) 522-7270

In case you are in a hurry for the information I have included the
recommended staining procedure  from the manual.

Station 1,2,3:    Clear-Rite 3 or Xylene,        3 minutes each
Station 4,5,6:    100% flex or Dehydrant,        1 minute each
Station 7:        95% Flex or Dehydrant,         1 minute
Station 8:        Rinse in running tap water,    briefly
Station 9:        Deionized or distilled water,  rinse
Station 10:       Hematoxylin 2,                 3 - 5 minutes depending
upon desired contrast
Station 11:       Running tap water,             rinse off excess stain.
Station 12:       Clarifier 2,                   30 Sec - 1 Minute
Station 13:       Rinse in running tap water,    30 Sec (agitate)
Station 14:       Bluing Reagent,                1 minute
Station 15:       Rinse in running tap water,    1 minute
Station 16:       95% Flex or Dehydrant,         rinse
Station 17:       Eosin-Y                        0.5 - 2.5 minutes depending
upon contrast
Station 18,19,20  100% Flex or Dehydrant         1 minute each
Station 21,22,23  Clear-Rite or Xylene           1 minute each

Regeneration Technologies, Inc.

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