From:Jamie Erickson <>

Hi All,
           I have had similar experiences with GFP as Donna Montague. Getting GFP Fluorescence is very possible with FFPE tissues, but with the enhanced reporter gene construct. No anti-GFP antibody was needed just sectioned deparaffinized , Rehydrated and coverslipped, if you use Vectasheild w/DAPI as a nuclear counterstain it looks very nice under the scope. So I guess the bottom line is check the reporter gene if  it's GFP your #@$%& out of luck with paraffin embedding but if it's EGFP(clontec)  then  it should work just fine, we get high levels of expression EGFP flourescent's in mouse livers when injected IV at day 1 and the mouse is SACKED at Day 7.   Just a quick side note that the level of expression will depend on the tissue type, mode of injection and proliferation rate of your tissue of interest.    That's my 2 cents.

Jamie Erickson
Associate Scientist
Genetics Institute
1 Burtt Rd.
Andover, MA   01810
work : (978) 247-1348
FAX  : (978) 247-1333

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