Katrina Knott re sectioning

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From:bbracing <bbracing@silk.net> (by way of histonet)
To:histonet <histonet@magicnet.net>
Content-Type:text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Old technology, but I and all my staff still use it to this day, and it
solves the wrinkle problem. Use two water baths.  The first one is a small
bowl of cold tap water to which we add ethanol to make it about 15 to 20% .
This acts like a wetting agent.  The sections are then cut, and laid out on
the cold water bath for a few seconds, (we like to trim our ribons to size
while on this bath as the wax is very firm and not sticky) then the trimed
sections are transfered to the regular 47C water bath.  As the alcohol
evaporates, it pulls the sections flat, leaving them wrinkle free. Alcohol
is about the only wetting agent that you can use, as it evaporates quickly
in the warm water, most others wetting agents do not, and will contaminate
your bath, destroy your adhesive (such as gelatin) and  will cause your
sections to come off the slides durring subsequent staining proceedures. If
you use to much alcohol in the first bath, your ribons will sink, and/or
when you transfer them to the hot water bath they will blow apart. If you
use to little they will not flatten as nicely as one would like. A little
expirementation will solve any problems.
Hope this helps
Kelowna Gen Hospital
B.C. Canada

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