[Histonet] Coverslipping problems

From:"Richard Cartun"

Dear Histonet colleagues:

We have a Sakura Tissue-Tek SCA coverslipper that we use for our
immunoperoxidase stained slides.  In the past it worked great.  Now, we
constantly have bubbles and dried-out areas (I think you refer to it as
"cornflaking") on the slides.  Apparently, we do not have these same
problems with our H&E-stained slides.  Any suggestions?

Best wishes for a happy, healthy, and peaceful New Year to everyone!


Richard W. Cartun, Ph.D.
Director, Immunopathology & Histology
Assistant Director, Anatomic Pathology
Hartford Hospital
80 Seymour Street
Hartford, CT  06102
(860) 545-1596
(860) 545-0174 Fax

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