silver stain for H. pylori

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From:"Kathy Oprea" <>
Date:Wed, 11 Aug 1999 16:36:11 EST
Content-Type:text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

Hi Donna and all,
In the Human Pathology Journal, Volume 25, No. 3, March 1994:221-226 
there is a silver stain for H. pylori that our lab has recently 
modified and use. It is a gorgeous stain that the pathologist are 
very enthusiastic about. The main advantage of this stain is that it 
allows the simultaneous evaluation on a single slide of the 
bacteriologic and morphologic aspects of H pylori associated 
gastritis. Basically it is a Warthin Starry, an Alcian Blue, with a 
hematoxylin counterstain. I will be glad to send you our procedure 
if you give me your fax number. The Warthin Starry that we 
currently do works EVERY time, is quick, easy, and allowed us to 
discontinue use of uranyl nitrate, and gum mastic. Our procedure is 
performed in the microwave and comes from a local lab here in town. 
Kathy Wortham- you still out there? Stand up and take a bow! 
Don't mean to brag, but our lab has tried numerous staining 
procedures over the years to demonstrate spirochetes, H. pylori. I 
think we have a winner with both now.
Good luck!
************ Thank you ************
* Kathy Oprea                     *
* University of Georgia           *
* College of Veterinary Medicine  *
* Athens, GA 30602-7388           *
*         *
The worker who's never said "Thank
God it's Friday," probably never
really worked.

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