[Histonet] Hales Colloidal iron

From:Gayle Callis

You should also look in the Histonet archives for this, there were several 
discussions in 1999, 2002 and 2003.

The Muller/Mowry's or Mowry's modification of Hales should work, and is 
found in Frieda Carsons book.

This was posted on Histonet in 2002 and found in Histonet Archives

From:Bryan Llewellyn


According to Pearse's Histochemistry: Theoretical and applied, Hales
colloidal iron is as follows:
Fix in Wolman, Carnoy or formalin.  Paraffin sections.  Avoid adhesives.
1.    Sections to water.
2.    Mix 1 vol dialysed iron and 1 vol 2M acetic acid.  Apply for 10 mins.
3.    Wash very well with distilled water to remove all traces of iron.
4.    Do Perls' prussian blue.
5.    Wash well with water.
6.    Counterstain with neutral red 1 min.
7.    Dehydrate, clear, mount
Acid mucins - blue
Nuclei - red
Rinehart and Abu'l Haj dialysed iron
75 g ferric chloride
250 mL water
Dissolve and add 100 mL glycerol.
While stirring, add 55 mL strong ammonia.
Dialyse against distilled water for three days, changing the water
This mixture triples in volume by the end of dialysis.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Goodwin, Diana"
To: "'Histonet'"
Sent: Thursday, April 04, 2002 8:16 AM
Subject: Hale's method for colloidal iron
 > Greetings, Netters.>
 > Does anyone have a copy of Hale's method for colloidal iron?  My
pathologist has asked for it specifically, probably because it is cited in the
literature for differentiation of chromophobe RCC.

Gayle Callis
Research Histopathology Supervisor
Veterinary Molecular Biology
Montana State University - Bozeman
PO Box 173610
Bozeman MT 59717-3610

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