IHC, tissues & shipping

From:Barbara Stancel

Dear Histonet friends,

We are considering a special project involving IHC to be done on tissues 
from a remote area of the world! Specifically how to get them here quickly 
and while preserving the antigencity (sp). We have considered shipping in 
formalin and formalin-fixed-70%ETOH-stored. But shipping could take 
weeks...or longer. Hand carried tissues may get hung up in customs. The 
pathologist would like to somehow process the tissue. The tech who usually 
handles these questions is unavailable. I do not perform IHC myself. (I am 
feeling a little like a fish flopping on the dock!)

I have begun looking and calling about international shippers and carriers 
and their regulations, but I believe getting advice from people who daily 
handle these types of shipping circumstances is the most practical approach.

Does anyone have any experience with samples for IHC being shipped from the 
Russian area of the world? What is the best method for shipment and by what 

Also, I have been asked to look for a laboratory in Kazakhstan or Moscow or 
the Moscow area that processes human, veterinary, or plant tissues.

Any advice on the tissue preservation, carriers, or locating a lab would be 
most appreciated.

Histologically yours,

Barbara H. Stancel, HTL(ASCP)HT
Pathology, RRC
Athens, Georgia  30604
phone: (706) 546-3556
fax: (706) 546-3589

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