Re: Need some help for HTL exam

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Dear Yuetain:
I was able to receive tissue needed from local hospitals, but you do need to 
organize a list of tissues needed and be willing to go and help label the 
containers and whatever else you can do to help them, to help you. The 
hosptial's are so busy with there work load but if you are willing to make a 
personal contact with them and offer 
help for your project they are usually very willing to help you. I also 
contacted my local Vet hospital and asked them for help with tissues I needed 
so I would have extra, incase I couldn't get all my tissues. Make sure you 
are able to have a few extra of each tissues because than you can pick the 
best ones. I worked with several hospital and it helps a lot to go and visit 
them instead of just calling them.
I hope this helps you. Right now I wish I could help you but I work in 
research and only with rodents so the tissues I have would be no use to you.
Good Luck
Sandi Miller HT
MRICD Research

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