playing with Mercury (offshoot of coverslipping by hand)

From:"Marshall Terry Dr, Consultant Histopathologist"

Almost 30 years ago at another hospital, an old path lab, based in English Victoriana buildings was demolished, and under the floor boards (was bare wooden floors) something like one Kilogram of mercury was recovered. Someone worked out that the fumes would have killed the whole lab in a week, which was clearly untrue,as they were still hale and hearty.
Some were a bit mad though:-)

Dr Terry L Marshall, B.A.(Law), M.B.,Ch.B.,F.R.C.Path
 Consultant Pathologist
 Rotherham General Hospital
 South Yorkshire

-----Original Message-----
From: Linke_Noelle []
Sent: 17 April 2003 15:05
To: Charles.Embrey; Bernard Ian R SSgt 59 CRES/MSROP; MARY T HODGES; HistoNet Server
Subject: RE: coverslipping by hand

Fine.  Play in xylene, play in traffic, run with scissors....see if I care!!  Pfffffftttt!!
-----Original Message-----
From: Charles.Embrey []
Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2003 2:15 PM
To: Linke_Noelle; Bernard Ian R SSgt 59 CRES/MSROP; Charles.Embrey; MARY T HODGES; HistoNet Server
Subject: RE: coverslipping by hand

I do remember playing with mercury in high school.  I think that today they would evacuate the whole school for the stuff that we did back then.  We made a chlorine gas generator once, shot chunks of phosphorus stored in oil into the air with a slingshot and other fun stuff in Chemistry class

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