

Hello everyone.
I have a question for you all.
  First, I just came here and started this position and the hospital was in the process of installing the new AP system, Tamtron.  I had never heard of it until I came here.  The question is, does anyone have any info on it?  Especially tracking.  I don't mean sending things to Lab Corp. etc.  But what I mean is: sending and receiving specimens from within your system from another site.  We are a multisite system and get specimens from all of them.  All specimens are accessioned at the originating site and then the req. and specimen are sent to one of three histology sites for processing and cutting and then we send the slides back to the originating site.  There is no transport log, that I can find, within this system to track these events.  So, if anyone out there uses Tamtron and has a clue about what I am talking about, please let me know.

Roxanne Soto
AP Supervisor
Franciscan Shared Laboratories
Covenant Healthcare
Milwaukee, WI
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