Re: Microtome - Motorized - Ergonomics

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John, it is true that once a person passes the point of no return, any task 
can be compromised because of repetitive motion disorders.  And yes it is 
true, one can consider switching occupations.  What can one do without the 
use of the hands?  I think the trick is to inservice histologists and other 
technical persons who do alot of repetitive motion tasks about proper 
ergonomic postures.  An electronic microtome is expensive, twice as much as a 
manual one;  but on the other hand workmans' comp, medical expenses and 
replacing a histologist who is highly specialized adds up to much more, money 
wise.  The correct posture and switching to another task (uses different 
movements and muscles) will give the employee a break so the muscles can 
recuperate.  To just use a person and throw them out is not acceptable as far 
as I am concerned.  But then, again, that is why I am a peon and not in 
management.  I would not be a good bean counter at the sacrifice of people.  
These unnecessary repetitive motion disorders cause employees to suffer on 
the job and their personal lives are impacted.  I don,t think it is too much 
to ask for correct work bench height, a chair that is comfortable and not 25 
years old and some inservice.  
Pearl Gervais

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